Marple’s Northwest Business Letter

  4 Responses to “Marple’s Northwest Business Letter”

  1. Dear Michael,

    I attended your presentation to the CFA society back in 2012 and I wanted to write you and thank you again for your speech. While it was a while ago, I still think of you and your letter which was always a pleasure to read with great insights about northwest economy. I especially enjoyed the book you recommended in your presentation, “China in 10 Words”, which I am still recommending to people to this day whenever a conversation about China comes up. I didn’t realize you had this blog and now that I do I plan on coming back. I’m so glad to see that you are still sharing your insights here. I hope all is well and thank you again for the work you do.


    • Andrew, you just made my day. Thank you for such kind words.

      I, too, continue to recommend China in Ten Words by Yu Hua. I continue to believe that developments in China will dominate our economic conversation for as far ahead as the eye can see.

      Marple’s Letter is no more, sad to say. I sold in 2009 after more than 30 years. It died in 2013 of declining circulation.

      Besides blogging, I continue to be active as a professional speaker. Referrals welcome.

  2. Dear Michael,

    It has been many years since I last communicated with you. I hope you and your family are doing well. The last time we spoke was a brief telephone conversation from my desk at Seafirst Investment Management, when I first recognized your face on the Marples Northwest Business Letter which circulated through our office. I became an avid reader of the letter while at Seafirst. My family has since moved to southern Oregon and have spent many years in the beautiful Umpqua Basin, raising a family and living a quiet life. I had the privilege of following in your steps coaching basketball for both my son and daughter as they grew up.

    Some of my best memories from childhood were playing basketball for you. You will remain a pivotal fixture from my early years as a voice of encouragement. I remember you shouting “Downtown!” as I would let one go from distance. I’m a grandfather now. My son Isaac and his wife welcomed their first child into this world on April 19th of this year, Soren. My daughter is engaged to be married, works for a credit union, and is finishing a degree in Economics which she loves. In fact, our conversations about her studies and interests provoked me to tell her about you and the Marples Letter. She was intrigued which led me here to your blog to show her who you are.

    Anyhow, God’s blessings to you!! If you are ever in southern Oregon, look me up and we can have coffee together.

    Scott(y) “Downtown” Hallgrimson

    • Scott, you made my day! What kind, heart-warming words. They are the nicest anyone outside of my immediate family has said of me in a long time. I will treasure them. And you a grandfather! Good for you. I still have hopes, but I’m not there yet. I will send you a little about my family in a closed (private) email.

      I am not sure when we will be in your neighborhood, but I will certainly keep your invite in mind. I would like nothing better..

      Marple’s Letter, sad to say and as you may know, is no more. After 32+ years, I sold in 2009 to an Oregon newsletter publisher. The new owner gave it the old college try, but it died in March 2013 of a malady that will get many of us in the end, poor circulation. I continue in my second career as a professional speaker on matters economic, particularly specializing in the Pacific Northwest economy.

      Thanks again for the kind words.

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